Project A3001 - Built 2018
ABS Class
✠A1, Self-Elevating Unit, ✠AMS, ✠ACCU,
✠DPS-2, CRC "Unrestricted Service"

BT Titanium Pte. Ltd. (BTTPL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BT Investment Pte. Ltd. and was incorporated in 2016.
The company current owns and operates with its key asset, a State-of-the-Art DP2 liftboat, M/V Blue Titanium, which was designed and constructed by Baker Engineering Pte. Ltd. Blue Titanium was delivered on the 19th April 2018 and became operational ever since.
BTTPL strives to be the market leader in providing quality liftboat services that suit the needs of the ever-changing environment within offshore industry.
Dynamic Positioning
Accommodation Berth
Tons Lifting Capacity
Feet Leg Length
Type : Class 320 Liftboat
Model : BEL320-4R200S Liftboat
Hull No : Class 320 Liftboat
Builder : Baker Engineering Pte. Ltd
Designer : BEL Design Pte. Ltd.
Owner : BT Titanium Pte. Ltd.
General Dimensions:
Length of Main Deck 64.00m
Overall Length incld. Helideck 79.00m
Breadth of Main Deck 40.00m
Depth of Main Hull 6.20m
Leg Length incld. Spudcans 97.5m
Leg Outer Diameter 3.66m
Operating Draft 4.00m
(spud cans fully flushed with hull bottom)
Helicopter Deck sized for Sikorsky S61N/S92
Design Loads:
Variable Load 1500MT
Main Deck Loading 10MT/m2
Total Deck Area (useable) 900m2
Design Temperatures:
Stell Structure Design Temp -10 Deg C
Min Air Temp -10 Deg C
Max Air Temp +55 Deg C
General Dimensions:
192 POB in single, double and 4 men rooms
144 POB in 4 men rooms, 336 Total POB
Jacking System:
NOV Electric Rack and Pinion Jacking System
0.9 m/min for jacking with load
1.8m/min for jacking without load
Lifting Equipment:
One (1) Huisman Deck Crane;
main hook 300MT @ 15.0m with a 30MT whip hoist
(Afloat lifts of up to 160MT)
One (1) Sea Hercules Kingpost Crane;
main hook 38.8MT @ 7.5m with a 10MT whip hoist
Aft and Port/Stbd Embarkation Gangways
Four (4) sets of Cummins Main Diesel Engine each rated @ 1700eKW
One (1) unit of Cummins Emergency Diesel Engine rated @ 550eKW
Class : American Bureau of Shipping
Classification ✠A1,
Self-Elevating Unit, ✠AMS, ✠ACCU,
✠DPS 2
Unrestricted Service
ABS ID YY258177
Flag : Singapore
IMO No. : 9779862
Tank Capacities:
Freshwater Tanks 200cu.m
Drillwater Tanks 480cu.m
Brine Tanks 300cu.m
Diesel Oil Tanks 441cu.m
Diesel Oil Day Tanks 22.8cu.m
Lube Oil Tank 4.8cu.m
Grey Water Tanks 89cu.m
Contaminated Drain Tank 34cu.m
Waste Oil Tank 54cu.m
Trim Tanks 1098cu.m
Machinery Systems:
Submersible Hose Reels, Loading/Offloading
Stations, Anchor Mooring Winch System,
Leg Jetting System, Oily Water Separator
Vacuum Sewage Treatment Plant, Fuel Oil
Purifier, Fresh Water Maker
Communications System:
PAGA, PABX Telephone, LAN System, CCTV
System, GMDSS Area 3
Environmental Criteria: Operation Storm
Water Depth max (m) : 67.0 40.0
Wave Height max (m) : 4.0 9.0
Wave Period (s) : 7.5 12.5
Current @ surface (knots) : 1.3 1.3
Wind Speed (knots) : 70.0 100.0
Leg Penetration (m) : 3.9 3.9
Air Gap (m) : 10.7 10.7
Variable Load (MT) : 1500 1500
Legs can be lowered in sea conditions in up to 2m significant waves, 2 knots current and 25 knots wind
Propulsion & Positioning System:
Three (3) 1000KW azimuth aft thrusters
One (1) 500KW retractable and one (1) 500KW tunnel fwd thrusters
All Schottel thrusters are driven by VFDs
6 knots transit speed in calm sea conditions
Kongsberg DPS 2 and Vessel Management System
Safety & Navigations Systems:
Fire & Gas Detection and Fire-fighting Systems meeting MODU and SOLAS requirements
2 x 150 and 2 x 50 men fully enclosed Lifeboats, 1 Rescue Boat and Liferafts

Information To Public

The Safety Case for the Blue Titanium has been compiled by the Director of BT Titanium Pte.Ltd and serves the purpose of a regulatory document and complies with the following regulations whilst operating in the territory of Brunei Darussalam:
The Workplace Safety & Health (Facilities) (Control of Major Accident Hazard) (Amendments) Regulations, 2017
The Safety Case for the Blue Titanium is intended to demonstrate that all hazards associated with the operations have been identified and that suitable measures are in place to ensure that the associated risks are reduced to a level that is As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) and has been submitted and approved by the Competent Authority.

Our Safety Case
This is the Safety Case for the Blue Titanium while it is operating within the sovereign territory of Negara Brunei Darussalam. This Safety Case has been prepared by BT Titanium Pte Ltd to satisfy the Brunei Government statutory requirement that the Blue Titanium liftboat is safe to operate and will not endanger human safety or life or harm the environment.
March 01, 2018
Baker Technology Limited
Time Charter Contract for Liftboat
The Group has secured a time charter contract for its Liftboat, the Blue Titanium. The Liftboat will be deployed in Southeast Asia to support rejuvenation works for oil and gas platforms for a National Oil Company. It is to be deployed in the later part of the 2nd quarter of 2018. This charter is expected to contribute to the Group’s financial performance for the financial year ending 31 December 2018.

Head Office
10 Jalan Samulun
Singapore 629124
Main: (+65) 6637 9799
Fax: (+65) 6261 8859
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please fill out the following form
Brunei Office
No. 9 Simpang 145
Jalan Maulana, Kuala Belait
KA1131 Brunei Darussalam
Main: (+673) 333 6677
To apply for a job with BT Titanium, please send a cover letter together with your C.V. to: hr@bakertech.com.sg